We provide high quality, accurate information relating to the location and position of utilities and other sub-surface features. Our services are a valuable and important planning tool proven to make a difference. We provide consultants, contractors, local authorities and other asset owners with reliable information to help manage unseen hazards.
Detectable features:
- all utilities/services/appartus
- underground structures/foundations
- tanks
- mineshafts
- disturbed ground
- voids
We achieve this by combining state-of-the-art technologies, our experience and recognised standards of investigation. Utilising equipment and manufacturers with proven and industry recognised capabilities.
In general, the history and geology of sites has led to the development of complicated ground and site conditions. This means that a carefully selected "toolbox" of equipment and techniques is necessary to detect many underground features. This equipment coupled with our experience and understanding of underground hazards enables Prodar to provide a superior service. Our service benefits from an operational approach that means the Senior Surveyor on site is responsible for both the delivery of site based operations and the processing/production of results.