Desktop Utility Mapping:
Statutory Record Searches
Before carrying out design or preliminary design work it is a recognised requirement to have in place the relevant utility "STATS" or service plans from utility providers understood to have apparatus within a site. Initially it can be difficult to know how and which utility providers to contact. Additionally, there is the problem of cross-referencing the "STATS" once they are received as they are often issued in a variety of formats and at different scales.
Our Utility Search includes the identification of Utility Providers/Suppliers within your site. Copies of the Utility Providers/Suppliers record information (Stats) are then obtained and collated to enable interpretion and presentation as an AutoCAD utility map overlay. The information is either overlain onto an existing topographic survey drawing or OS tile.
The Prodar solution is a quick and efficient identification of utility providers within a specific site location or along a route coupled with the collation and intrpretation into a co-ordinated schematic desktop utility map.
Desktop Mapping is an extremely useful tool to enable areas of potential utility/service congestion to be identified and targeted for underground utility mapping. The benefits of this service are:
- clearer view of the expected underground "STATS" or services/apparatus
- co-ordinated table/record of underground "STATS" or services/apparatus
- creation of dedicated file reference document
- co-ordinated AutoCAD drawing